Happy 6th Birthday! 9 Things You Should Consider while Blogging

Hey Beauties,

Thanks to Facebook and their "memories" plug in I noticed  6 years ago today, I posted my very first blog


and Miss Nic's Elegant Edge was born! My inspiration for starting MNEE was to simply create a tool for people to get their questions answered or to answer questions before they have been asked. I didn't imagine that I would still be here blogging today, and I really didn't know that it had been exactly 6 years since my first post. Blogging has been a journey and honestly I love to write. Although I'm shocked that I'm still maintaining a blog, I'm not shocked that the motivation to continue to write has not faded. I've kept a journal since the third grade. Writing comes easy and it's actually therapeutic for me.

Over the years I've been able to connect with people all over the world, work with brands, and attend events. All of which has been such a great humbling experience. There is more to come from MNEE and she will slowly evolve into more. This year MNEE will transition into something bigger and become my personal brand. Before the end of the year the goal is to re-brand completely (I've done so partially) to Beauty by Kelly Nicole. To jump start the progress I have been working relentlessly to complete my first issue of Blushed Digital Magazine (a part of the BBKN brand) Blushed will be a brand within itself (more to come), but it's conception comes as a result of the BBKN brand.  You will see more of  Blushed in the near future!

I appreciate those who have taken this journey with me. It has been a interesting one. I just wanted to share nine things that I've learned over the past six years while blogging. This is pertaining to my experience, no real detail like most posts solely dedicated to blogging.

1. Keep Going &Never Give Up:

Blogging is far from easy! Many assume it's simply just writing and that's it. Blogging consists of a lot more than writing and great pictures. It takes hard work, drive, and creativity to produce a great blog, not mention all of the technical aspects and SEO (that topic we may all dread, but still trying to master). No matter how hard it gets or how difficult it seems, you must continue going.

2. Learn, Learn, & Learn:

I always find myself continuing to learn about blogging and how to blog and grow my audience. Blogging is recognized as a business and can allow you to be extremely successful if you are willing to apply yourself. I've attended numerous online seminars, read many of articles, and downloaded a lot of free eBooks. This has been because learning is essential to growth. Take the time to always learn, not only for your blog, but for yourself.

3. Rome wasn't built in a Day:

Growing a blog is not going to happen over night! It takes time, diligence, and patience. This is an essential part to doing a blog. You have to be patient and do the work. If you focus on the reason why you are creating your blog, people will come and enjoy your blog.

4. Make it Personal:

Your blog should reflect who you are as an individual. Making your blog personal will give you the opportunity to relate to your audience in an authentic way. If you make it personal, you will enjoy your time blogging.  Before you know it, six years will pass and you wouldn't have even realized it's been that long.

5. Understand your Purpose:

Why are you blogging? What is your sole purpose for blogging? Once you find our what your purpose is for blogging, you can blog with ease. There may be times when your content ideas may get a little foggy, but if you understand your purpose...blogging will be fun and easy.

6. Accept the Rejection and Grow from it:

Many people want to know how to receive "free stuff" from blogging. They want to know how to be selected for sponsorship for blog posts or YouTube Videos etc? There is nothing wrong with this because it's beneficial to a degree to help grow your audience and also help to generate traffic to your site. I have taken the time out to reach out to only a few brands for sponsorship opportunities. All of which, were rejected. Most of my sponsored posts/videos have come from brands reaching out to me. In my opinion, that is the best way to go about it. Let them reach out to you. I'm not discouraging you from pursing them, if that's what you to desire to do, but for me it has always been a humbling experience. I've always felt "Oh WOW?! Little ole me? Really?". The rejection that I've experienced was also humbling. It showed me that I still have a ways to go. Those who were gracious enough to tell me why...just simply gave me the focus necessary to correct what needs to be corrected and continue to grow.

7. Trial & Error before Success:

Blogging is a trial and error experience. Some posts are going to generate a lot of traffic, and some won't. You can use your analytic's to help you know which posts are popular and to find out what people like to read.

8. Support others Genuinely:

Most bloggers know to comment on other blogs. It's a great way to generate traffic to your blog. I've learned to genuinely support the blogs I follow. There are times when I read blogs and don't comment, but I still take the time to read it. Don't focus on commenting on blogs simply to generate traffic...but do so because you genuinely like the blog and/or support the blogger and their spirit/vision.

9. Your Blog should grow with you:

As I've mentioned, I'm focusing on re-branding my blog. The details are still a little foggy, but the vision is clear (how does that work?? lol). I was 22 years old when I started Miss Nic's Elegant Edge. I was fresh out of college and in the early start of Cosmetology School. I just wanted to find a way to answer questions before they were asked by friends and family. I had no idea that the blog would be what it is today. I had no idea I would work with the brands that I have worked with, and I had no idea I would form the relationships and partnerships with the amazing individuals I've worked with. I was young, careless, and clueless with a desire to succeed. As a young woman, at the time, I didn't foresee myself in this place right now. At 22 'Miss Nic' was a whole bunch of things (but most of all young, careless, and clueless), but she had focus. At 28, Miss Nic has matured (Thank God!), and with the same focus (like never before), she has developed in to Kelly Nicole (hence Beauty by Kelly Nicole). Your blog should grow with you! It's important to always learn and grow. When you grow as an individual, your blog should grow with you.

My goal moving forward is to simply continue to provide great content and pour my heart out into my blog. I'm not sure what else will occur as a result of my blog, but I'm hoping that you will continue to take this journey with me!

Cheers to six long years of spilling my guts and info to the World Wide Web!

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As always, Thanks for Reading! Tell a Friend!  Peace and Blessings


Kelly Nicole aka. 'Miss Nic'